Sharon fellowship church of Albany was established on April 12, 2009, with few families to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the local Community and around the world. Our major goal is to worship the Lord in spirit and truth, and to provide spiritual edification and fellowship to our members.
Santhosh Tharian
Senior PastorPastor Santhosh Tharian is the senior pastor of Sharon Fellowship Church of Albany (The first Indian Pentecostal church in Albany). He was born and bought up in a Pentecostal family back in Kerala, India. From his early age, he had a passion for Jesus and felt a call to share the gospel. He has been preaching since his teens and has been in pastoral ministry since 2005. His pastoral journey began as the associate pastor at Immanuel Assemblies of God Staten Island. He served there for two years. From there he moved to Albany in 2009, according to God given vision to start a Malayalam Pentecostal congregation here in Albany. By God’s grace apart from Malayalee community, currently the church organizes worship nights and other special meetings for Telugu, Tamil and Hindi community. Pastor Santhosh Tharian lives in Albany with his wife Mini Tharian and God blessed them with three kids: Jeremy Tharian, Jace Tharian and Jake Tharian.
By God's grace Pastor Santhosh Tharian started a fellowship in Springfield, Massachusetts in 2019
SFC Springfield, MA